vmstat gnuplot
After you installed following packages:
apt-get install gnuplot ttf-bitstream-vera sharutils
you can run collect-data script:
DIR='/var/tmp' PREFIX='vmstat' HOSTNAME=`hostname` SLEEPTIME='60' vmstat -n -S M $SLEEPTIME | while read line; do LOGFILE=" ${DIR}/${PREFIX}_${HOSTNAME}_`date '+%Y-%m-%d'`.log"; echo "`date '+%T ' `$line" >> $LOGFILE; done &
Crontabize the plotting script:
#!/bin/bash DIR='/var/tmp' PREFIX='vmstat' HOSTNAME=`hostname` MAX_MEMORY=`free -m | awk 'NR==2 {print $2}' | head` SCALE=`echo "scale=0;$MAX_MEMORY/10" | bc` if [ -n "$1" ] then DATE=`date '+%Y-%m-%d' -r $1` DATA="$1" else DATE=`date --date="-1 day" '+%Y-%m-%d'` DATA="${DIR}/${PREFIX}_${HOSTNAME}_${DATE}.log" fi DATA_PLOT=`dirname $DATA`/`basename $DATA .log`.png gnuplot << EOF set terminal png size 1920,1200 font '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-bitstream-vera/Vera.ttf' 9 set lmargin 10 set tmargin 3 set rmargin 5 set bmargin 4 set border 3 set grid set output "${DATA_PLOT}" set xdata time set timefmt "%H:%M:%S" set format x "%H:%M:%S" set xlabel "Time" set ylabel "Value" set multiplot layout 2, 2 title "${HOSTNAME} - ${DATE}" # set size 0.5, 0.5; set origin 0, 0; set title "Memory" set yrange [ 0 : $MAX_MEMORY ] set ytics 0,$SCALE plot "${DATA}" using 1:4 ti "swap" w l, "${DATA}" using 1:5 ti "free" w l, "${DATA}" using 1:6 ti "buff" w l, "${DATA}" using 1:7 ti "cache" w l # set size 0.5, 0.5; set origin 0.5, 0; set title "IO" set autoscale xy set yrange [ 0 : 4000 ] set ytics 0,1000 set mytics 2 plot "${DATA}" using 1:10 ti "in" w l, "${DATA}" using 1:11 ti "out" w l # set size 0.5, 0.5; set origin 0, 0.5; set title "System" set yrange [ 0 : 5000 ] set ytics 0,1000 set mytics 2 plot "${DATA}" using 1:12 ti "in" w l, "${DATA}" using 1:13 ti "cs" w l # set size 0.5, 0.5; set origin 0.5, 0.5; set title "Cpu" set yrange [ 0 : 100 ] set ytics 0,10 set mytics 2 plot "${DATA}" using 1:14 ti "user" w l, "${DATA}" using 1:15 ti "system" w l, "${DATA}" using 1:16 ti "idle" w l, "${DATA}" using 1:17 ti "wait" w l unset multiplot EOF rm -f $TEMPFILE exit 0
configure your report program and run it:
#!/bin/bash TEMPFILE=`mktemp -p /tmp/` trap "rm -f ${TEMPFILE}; exit 1" INT HOSTNAME=`hostname` DATE=`date --date="-1 day" '+%Y-%m-%d'` DIR='/var/tmp' PREFIX='vmstat' DATA="${DIR}/${PREFIX}_${HOSTNAME}_${DATE}.log" DATA_PLOT=${DIR}/`basename $DATA .log`.png IP=`/sbin/ifconfig | grep -C 1 eth|grep 'inet '|awk {'print $2'}|cut -d":" -f2` MAILING_LIST='santi@*****.**' LOG='1' MAIL='1' MOVE='1' RETENTION='+30' DEST_DIR='/var/www/blabla/doc_root/vmstat/' ########## RED='\033[31;1m' GREEN='\033[32;1m' BOLD='\033[1m' DEFAULT='\033[0m' ########## if [ "$MAIL" -eq '1' ] then SUBJECT="Report vmstat $HOSTNAME" MESSAGE="$DATE\n\nMacchina: $HOSTNAME - $IP\n" echo "$MESSAGE" >> "$TEMPFILE" echo "Email inviata a: ${BOLD}${MAILING_LIST}${DEFAULT}" if [ "$LOG" -eq '1' ] then ( cat "$TEMPFILE"; uuencode "${DATA}" "${DATA}"; uuencode "${DATA_PLOT}" "${DATA_PLOT}"; ) | mailx -s "$SUBJECT" "$MAILING_LIST" else ( cat "$TEMPFILE"; uuencode "${DATA_PLOT}" "${DATA_PLOT}"; ) | mailx -s "$SUBJECT" "$MAILING_LIST" fi fi if [ "${MOVE}" -eq '1' ] then mv ${DATA_PLOT} ${DEST_DIR} fi [ "$LOG" -eq '1' ] && echo "Logging is ${GREEN}ON${DEFAULT}" || echo "Logging is ${RED}OFF${DEFAULT}" [ "$MAIL" -eq '1' ] && echo "Mailing is ${GREEN}ON${DEFAULT}" || echo "Mailing is ${RED}OFF${DEFAULT}" [ "$MOVE" -eq '1' ] && echo "Moving log is ${GREEN}ON${DEFAULT}" || echo "Moving log is ${RED}OFF${DEFAULT}" find $DEST_DIR -mtime $RETENTION -iname '*.png' -exec rm -f {} \; rm -f $TEMPFILE exit 0
Actually, those scripts are running on this machine, so you can see results below:
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